Butcher Prize

The John Butcher Prize in Numerical Analysis has been established to recognise John Butcher's distinguished career in numerical analysis, and in particular in the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. In keeping with John's consistent encouragement of students, the prize is for the best student talk at a SciCADE meeting, considering both the academic merit of the content and the presentation itself.
The Prize and the associated funds are administered by the NZ branch of ANZIAM.


All graduate students presenting papers at one of the biennial SciSCADE conferences are eligible to be considered for this prize. However a former winner of the prize is not eligible to be considered for a second award. Past Winners of the Butcher Prize

  • 2005 Tatiana Márquez Lago (University of New Mexico at Albuquerque), at the SciCADE conference in Nagoya, Japan.
  • 2007 Thomas Schmelzer (Oxford), Anders Hansen (Cambridge), at the SciCADE conference in St Malo, France.
  • 2009 Ludwig Gauckler (Tübingen), at the SciCADE conference in Beijing, China.
  • 2011 Mohammad Shakourifar (Toronto), at the SciCADE conference in Toronto, Canada.
  • 2013 Yuto Miyatake (University of Tokyo, Japan), at the SciCADE conference in Valladolid, Spain.
How to apply:

If you are a student and would like to apply for the Butcher Prize, please

  1. register for the SciCADE 2015 conference and submit your talk (either a contributed talk or a talk in a minisymposium session);
  2. email your name, your supervisor's name, relevant contact details including your affiliation and the title of your talk to Jana de Wiljes (scicade2015@math.uni-potsdam.de)
  3. ask your supervisor to send a short email to Jana de Wiljes in support of your application for the Butcher Prize and confirming that you are a student.

We encourage all students who plan to present a talk at SciCADE 2011 to apply for the Butcher Prize. Further questions concerning this Prize should be addressed to Jana de Wiljes

Deadline for submission of application: 30 June 2015